Imam Baildi

Imam Baildi

Η eggplant, the "symbol of love and pleasure, Originally from India and China, was utilized and acquired a great variety in cooking during the Ottoman palace cuisine, when its most important recipes were formed. The most characteristic was the eggplant "Imam Baildi(The imam fainted), the recipe that made the imam lose his senses from its taste!

The Imam Baildi is nevertheless a very simple dish that requires the freshness of the ingredients, the eggplant, the tomato and the onion that are baked in the oven as follows:

How to cook Imam Baildi

Wash the aubergines, cut them lengthwise and open the middle (not the edges) like boats. Then we make the filling from tomatoes cleaned from the seeds and skins, from onions into thin slices, chopped garlic and parsley, salt and pepper.

Mix everything very well and fill the aubergines and pour the rest over them.

Place them in a pan, side by side, close together, pour lemon juice, olive oil and water over them and put them in the oven.

Serve them lukewarm or cold, with fresh parsley and a piece of feta cheese on the side.

  • Imam Baildi - Eggplant - Greek Gastronomy Guide
  • Imam Baildi - Eggplant - Greek Gastronomy Guide
  • Imam Baildi - Eggplant - Greek Gastronomy Guide
  • Imam Baildi - Eggplant - Greek Gastronomy Guide
  • Imam Baildi - Eggplant - Greek Gastronomy Guide
  • Imam Baildi - Eggplant - Greek Gastronomy Guide
  • Imam Baildi - Eggplant - Greek Gastronomy Guide
  • Imam Baildi - Eggplant - Greek Gastronomy Guide


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Imam Baildi